Judie McCoyd, Ph.D., QCSW,LCSW, assistant professor from Rutgers School of Social Work,Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, has been awarded the National Association of Perinatal Social Work (NAPSW) Award for Excellence for 2010. This NAPSW award recognizes outstanding achievement in the field of perinatal social work, and honors one recipient each year at our national conference. The award was presented at the opening banquet of the 34th Annual NAPSW conference, on May 5, 2010, in Midway, Utah.
Judie has been a member of the NAPSW since 1991, and has served this organization in many capacities,including elected positions to the Board of Directors (1999-2003) and Vice-President (2003-2007). She co-chaired the 2009 NAPSW conference held in Philadelphia, and was the Call for Papers chair for the Las Vegas NAPSW conference in 2006. In 2009 she also contributed, with Lisa Baker, PhD,LCSW, a multi-segment “how-to” guide for perinatal research in the FORUM.
Judie McCoyd received her Bachelor’s of Science from Albright College in Reading, PA, her Master of Science in Social Work (MSSW) from Columbia University (GSSW) and her Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from Bryn Mawr College (Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research) ,in Bryn Mawr, PA. She was a social worker at Philadelphia’s Methodist Hospital and at Pennsylvania Hospital in perinatal settings.
Judie has been a professor at Rutgers University since 2004 and was recently tenured (effective July 1,2010) and promoted. Her current research interests involve the inter-section of perinatal health care, medical technologies, decision-making and bereavement. She has researched and published extensively. She has two recent books with co-authors: Grief and Loss Across the Lifespan: A Biopsychosocial Approach (Springer,2009) with Carolyn Walter, Professor Emeritus from Widener University, and Social Work in Health Settings, co-edited with Professor Toba S. Kerson of Bryn Mawr College Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research. She also maintains a small clinical practice.