NAPSW holds elections every year, so it is never too early to think about who to nominate. WE NEED YOU to think about who is Board of Director “material”- or to volunteer yourself to run! We always strive to provide a full ballot with many options to our membership at the time of elections. Read more about Board of Directors responsibilities and expectations below, and watch for communications from our Nominations Committee on open positions for the next election, or reach out to Nominations by clicking here to express your interest!

Election to a position of responsibility within NAPSW is a privilege which reflects the trust and confidence of the membership. It is also a responsibility which requires that the office holder assume an active role in the organization, investing time, energy, and effort toward helping the organization meet its goals.

Candidates for office should carefully consider the responsibilities outlined below. If willing to serve, please sign and return the form to the Nominations Committee. We recommend retaining a copy of this form for your records and future reference regarding expectations and duties.

Candidates must be members of NAPSW in good standing for one year prior to standing for office. The term of office shall be two years, beginning July 1st following the meeting at which they are elected. The Board member shall serve for no more than two consecutive terms in the same office.

Board of Directors members are expected to:

  1. Attend the annual conference, which includes the annual Board meetings. Board meetings are usually held on Tuesday and Wednesday before the conference beings, and on Saturday morning after the conference closes.
  2. Return Board memo response sheets and votes via email within one week of receipt.
  3. Participate on at least one standing or ad hoc committee in addition to other Board duties.
  4. Assist the President with other duties as requested.
  5. Assist the local planning committee at the annual conference to ensure the smooth running of the conference (e.g. assist at the registration table, introduce and monitor sessions, etc).
  6. See Article IV Board of Directors, Section 4A: Duties, 1-12 of the NAPSW By-Laws.